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Version: v2.5.0


CorrelationInfo provides a common set of correlation levels:

  • Transaction Id - ID that relates different requests together into a functional transaction.
  • Operation Id - Unique ID information for a single request.
  • Operation parent Id - ID of the original service that initiated the request.


This feature requires to install our NuGet package

PM > Install-Package Arcus.Observability.Correlation

What We Provide

The Arcus.Observability.Correlation library provides a way to get access to correlation information across your application. What it DOES NOT provide is how this correlation information is initially set.

It uses the Microsoft dependency injection mechanism to register an ICorrelationInfoAccessor and ICorrelationInfoAccessor<> implementation that is available.


using Arcus.Observability.Correlation;

namespace Application
public class Startup
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// Adds operation and transaction correlation to the application,
// using the `DefaultCorrelationInfoAccessor` as `ICorrelationInfoAccessor` that stores the `CorrelationInfo` model internally.

Custom Correlation

We register two interfaces during the registration of the correlation: ICorrelationInfoAccessor and ICorrelationInfoAccessor<>. The reason is because some applications require a custom CorrelationInfo model, and with using the generic interface ICorrelationInfoAccessor<> we can support this.


using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Arcus.Observability.Correlation;

namespace Application
public class OrderCorrelationInfo : CorrelationInfo
public string OrderId { get; }

public class Startup
public void ConfigureService(IServiceCollection services)

Accessing Correlation Throughout the Application

When a part of the application needs access to the correlation information, you can inject one of the two interfaces:

using Arcus.Observability.Correlation;

namespace Application
public class OrderService
public OrderService(ICorrelationInfoAccessor accessor)
CorrelationInfo correlationInfo = accessor.CorrelationInfo;

Or, alternatively when using custom correlation:

using Arcus.Observability.Correlation;

namespace Application
public class OrderService
public OrderService(ICorrelationInfoAccessor<OrderCorrelationInfo> accessor)
OrderCorrelationInfo correlationInfo = accessor.CorrelationInfo;


The library also provides a way configure some correlation specific options that you can later retrieve during get/set of the correlation information in your application.

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddCorrelation(options =>
// Configuration on the transaction ID (`X-Transaction-ID`) request/response header.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Whether the transaction ID can be specified in the request, and will be used throughout the request handling.
// The request will return early when the `.AllowInRequest` is set to `false` and the request does contain the header (default: true).
options.Transaction.AllowInRequest = true;

// Whether or not the transaction ID should be generated when there isn't any transaction ID found in the request.
// When the `.GenerateWhenNotSpecified` is set to `false` and the request doesn't contain the header, no value will be available for the transaction ID;
// otherwise a GUID will be generated (default: true).
options.Transaction.GenerateWhenNotSpecified = true;

// Whether to include the transaction ID in the response (default: true).
options.Transaction.IncludeInResponse = true;

// The header to look for in the request, and will be set in the response (default: X-Transaction-ID).
options.Transaction.HeaderName = "X-Transaction-ID";

// The function that will generate the transaction ID, when the `.GenerateWhenNotSpecified` is set to `false` and the request doesn't contain the header.
// (default: new `Guid`).
options.Transaction.GenerateId = () => $"Transaction-{Guid.NewGuid()}";

// Configuration on the operation ID (`RequestId`) response header.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

// Whether to include the operation ID in the response (default: true).
options.Operation.IncludeInResponse = true;

// The header that will contain the operation ID in the response (default: RequestId).
options.Operation.HeaderName = "RequestId";

// The function that will generate the operation ID header value.
// (default: new `Guid`).
options.Operation.GenerateId = () => $"Operation-{Guid.NewGuid()}";

// Configuration on the operation parent ID.
// -----------------------------------------

// Whether to extract the operation parent ID from the request or not (default: true).
options.OperationParent.ExtractFromRequest = false;

// The header that will contain the full operation parent ID (default: Request-Id).
options.OperationParent.OperationParentHeaderName = "Request-Id";

// The function that will generate the operation parent ID when it shouldn't be extracted from the request.
options.OperationParent.GenerateId = () => $"Parent-{Guid.newGuid()}";

Later in the application, the options can be retrieved by injecting the IOptions<CorrelationInfoOptions> type.

Custom Configuration

We also provide a way to provide custom configuration options when the application uses a custom correlation model.

For example, with a custom correlation model:

using Arcus.Observability.Correlation;

namespace Application
public class OrderCorrelationInfo : CorrelationInfo
public string OrderId { get; }

We could introduce an OrderCorrelationInfoOptions model:

using Arcus.Observability.Correlation;

namespace Application
public class OrderCorrelationInfoOptions : CorrelationInfoOptions
public bool IncludeOrderId { get; set; }

This custom options model can then be included when registering the correlation:

using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;

namespace Application
public class Startup
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddCorrelation<OrderCorrelationInfo, OrderCorrelationInfoOptions>(options => options.IncludeOrderId = true);